Thursday, November 25, 2010


1.  What is a hypothesis? Write down your own hypothesis and justify it with references to authors whom you reviewed in literature review.
2.     Make a list of parameters of your study with variables and their values. Explain how they relate to your hypothesis.
3.     What is Research Design? What methodology you developed for data collection and analysis?
4.     What is a design concept? Explain your design concept for the thesis project.
5.     List and explain the criteria for site zoning. With reference to your own design, explain where you have made trade-offs and why?
6.     What are the main considerations for landscape design? Explain how landscape can help create a micro climate.
7.     Explain the relation of land use zoning and circulation, while explaining how vehicular and pedestrian circulation shaped the organization of spaces in your design.
8.     What is an Architectural Style and how it is established?
9.     Give examples of monumental architecture in Karachi and explain the importance of scale to creating of iconic architecture.
10. In Pakistan, since the beginning of the century, architectural styles have become pluralist. Justify your answer by citing the architectural trends in Pakistan.



All students of final year architecture are advised to read very carefully the following instructions concerning the final jury requirements to follow for their own benefit.

1.       Statement of Hypothesis
2.       Research Findings
3.       Research Conclusions
4.       Design Concept i.e.
4.1.    Design theme and
4.2.    Concise design brief
5.       Site Studies i.e.
5.1.    Site selection process
5.2.    Location map showing the surrounding built environment
5.3.    Site Analysis i.e.
5.3.1. Dimensions of Site
5.3.2. Accessibility
5.3.3. Sun path and Wind direction
5.3.4. Existing Site Characteristics
5.4.    Zoning Plan showing the allocation of spaces on site
6.       Case Studies:
6.1.    Graphics i.e. Plans, Elevations, Sections, Views and Elements taken
6.2.    Learning from the case examples
7.       Master Plan showing:
7.1.    Good scale of drawing
7.2.    Clearly labeled buildings and spaces
7.3.    Clearly visible building form
7.4.    Circulation (pedestrian and vehicular)
7.5.    Entrances and
7.6.    Landscaping
8.       Building Plan or Part Plan must consists:
8.1.    Blowups on the scale:   1/8”=1’-0”
8.2.    04 Elevations on the scale: 1/8”=1’-0”
8.3.    02 Sections on the scale: 1/8”=1’-0”
9.       Design Development in 5 stages i.e.
9.1.    How design started?
9.2.    How it is developed?
9.3.    How developed the plans elevations and sections?
9.4.    How many options developed?
9.5.    How came down to details?
10.     Compulsory Detailed Model and prepare for Oral Presentation